Do you ever have one of those days (or weeks) where you wake up in just a crappy mood?

Of course you do. Everyone does at some point. In order to find happiness, we must first look at our thoughts. The power of our minds to effect our behavior is astounding. It's easy to get caught in a negative rut- all it takes is running with one thought.

Whenever I catch myself falling into one of those "negative Nancy" kind of moods, I go on a quote reading binge until something speaks to me. Once I find a magical verse, it becomes my mantra. On one of these occasions, I discovered I had found a gem:
"The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be."
-Marcel Pagnol
I had an "Aha!" moment. In fact, every time I read this, I have one. Really read each part and ponder on your thoughts. It's so easy to reminisce on the past fondly when something particularly stressful is currently going on. But are those memories clouded by your emotions? Are you leaving out the negative parts on purpose? Probably. After all, it makes the memories a little nicer.

And what about your life right at this moment? Common thoughts may begin with "I'll be happy when..." or "I need...". When stressed, it can be difficult to be grateful for what you have when you're busy focusing on what you need. You're alive, and life is short. Is it really that bad?

The future, if anything, is uncertain. A life-changing moment can be contained in a split second. This can be a scary thought, but only if you let it be. It all comes back to your thoughts! Uncertainty only means there are limitless possibilities. Think to your past, and those life-changing moments that you've experienced. You lived through every one of them, and came out stronger, with more insight to add to your life. What a blessing each experience is, whether it was painful or full of joy.

Getting caught up in certain thoughts is a dangerous habit that can break down your spirit. Instead, find your own thought "gems." Repeat them, write them where you can see them every day, and remember them in those moments of need. In this little way, you can find happiness now!

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