We are all human. We all get angry from time to time.
There is no use in denying it.

Buddhism philosophy can teach us a thing or two about anger.
Anger is considered one of three poisons,
    the other two being ignorance and greed.

We can never expect ourselves to stay in a constant state of bliss.
Eventually, we will experience anger.
We must learn to handle the anger with a new perspective 
    in order to overcome its poisonous power.

First, we must admit that we are angry. When someone asks you "Are you upset?" there is no use in denying it. Be with your emotions in order to let them go.

Next, look at yourself. You create the anger in your mind, regardless of any outer happenings.
You made a concious (or subconscious) decision to get heated.
Ask yourself why.

The ego loves anger. It helps you to justify those feelings, and even helps feed the fire to grow those feelings.
We must learn how to tame the ego.
Let those angry thoughts flow right out of your mind, rather than chasing after them.

Give yourself time to tame the anger.
Practice self-awareness, and pay attention to your triggers.

My mantra today:
I will pay attention to my emotions. I will react patiently and lovingly.

“Conquer anger by non-anger. Conquer evil by good. Conquer miserliness by 
liberality. Conquer a liar by truthfulness.” (Dhammapada, v. 233)
This morning, for the first time in awhile, I woke up and instantly jumped out of bed, put on my running shoes, and got in some cardio. I must admit that lately, I have been rather lazy. The month of May was eventful and all, but for some reason I felt trapped. What was holding me back? My own thoughts had me bogged down, leaving me grasping for air.

This feeling of being cemented into place dragged into the first day of June. I felt like I was doing all I could to propel myself forward, yet I was going nowhere. Worldy issues of money and the like was clearly clouding my judgement. I had an altered sense of reality.

On this second day of June, while driving along on my way to work, I knew something had to change. This change had to come from within. Someone really smart told me that I don't wear depression well. In fact, that it was quite ugly.

Oh, the ugly, honest reality! Truth will set you free.

The truth is, none of us wear depression well. Or anger, or loathing, or any other emotion of the like for that matter. Why do we cling to these? It may feel good at the time in some weird, twisted way, but all it's doing is holding us back. We only live once, why spend it wallowing in misery and hate?

It was time for me to wake up.

I needed to wake up, physically and emotionally, and pull myself out of whatever it was I threw myself in. There is only now. The present is one brief moment that quickly passes by and becomes the past. Let's make the most of these little pieces of now.

Wake up, put on your running shoes, and live! Put a smile on your face and make your life exactly what you want it to be.
The power lies within yourself.